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Architectural Controls and Design Guidelines
Architectural controls and design guidelines were incorporated into The Oakton’s rules and regulations to provide for a neat, attractive, and harmonious appearance and to protect homeowners’ property values. Exterior controls apply to the common areas such as the buildings and grounds and limited common areas that includes balconies, patios, windows, and doors. The interior controls apply to structural changes (to ensure load bearing walls are not removed) and changes that may effect the buildings’ plumbing system and electrical usage. Owners wishing to make any changes requiring approval must submit the proper written application to the property manager who will forward the application to the Buildings and Architectural Review Committee.

Some design guidelines include:
  • Approvals are needed for new windows, front and back entry doors, sliding glass doors, and storm doors.
  • Residents may not use patios/balconies for storage except for firewood. Firewood may only be stored from October 1 through April 1. Firewood must be stacked away from the building to prevent insect and termite infestation into the unit.
  • Only white or off-white blinds and window treatments with white or off-white lining are permitted.
  • Bird feeders, birdbaths, wind chimes, and other decorations on the patios, balconies or buildings are prohibited. Residents are prohibited from drilling or nailing into the buildings’ siding, trim, and the wood rails on the balconies, patios and outside stairs. Seasonal wreaths may be displayed on doors.
  • Residents are prohibited from altering any element/area that is considered a common element or limited common element. This includes the buildings’ structural elements (e.g., siding, roofs, balconies/patios, lighting fixtures, outside stairs etc.), and the common grounds (e.g., landscaping, sidewalks, etc.).
  • Signs are prohibited in units’ windows and on the common grounds. Real estate signs may be posted at the condominium entrance or outside any building on weekends only, and they must be taken down at the end of the day.
Refer to the Declaration, Bylaws and policy resolutions for details regarding all of The Oakton’s architectural controls and guidelines.

  • Vehicles belonging to residents must be registered with management. Registration must be updated annually and current decals displayed by May 31. Failure to register a vehicle and/or not displaying a current is a violation and the vehicle is subject to towing.
  • Residents and their guests are entitled to use the common element parking spaces for approved vehicles. Use is on a “first-come, first-served” basis. An approved vehicle includes any conventional passenger vehicle, motorcycle, van, and truck of less than 2.5 tons gross weight.
  • Guest vehicles parked on the property longer than 72 hours must be registered with Management and display a visitor pass issued by Management. A reoccurring guest may not park on the property more than 8 times per month. Vehicles belonging to residents are not considered "guests".
  • No truck, bus, trailer, free-standing camper, recreational vehicle that is longer than 18 feet or wider than eight feet, bicycle, boat, or derelict vehicle may be parked in the common element parking area or impede traffic flow. Commercial vehicles are prohibited.
  • All vehicles must display current registration and required permits and stickers to be kept upon the common element parking areas. All approved vehicles must be kept in operating condition at all times.
  • Storage of unused vehicles is prohibited. The board and management shall make a reasonable attempt to give notice to the owners of offending vehicles. If such vehicle is not corrected or removed, the board may have the offending vehicle towed at the expense and risk of the owner. The association contracts with Henry's Wrecker Service of Virginia (703-280-5336 or
  • Residents are urged to report unused/stored/abandoned vehicles to management. If you plan to be on travel or leave with your vehicle parked for more than 4 weeks, please contact Victoria Garner, The Oakton's property manager so she is aware of your circumstances. 
  • Because of limited parking space, residents are limited to no more than two vehicles per unit to be parked on the common elements. Residents must display current parking decals.
  • If additional parking is needed to accommodate extra vehicles for a unit, parking is available on Bushman Drive. Oversize vehicles such as moving trucks/vans/trailers may not block parking spaces, impede traffic or be parked overnight in the community.
  • Please be aware that the association is not responsible for damage to vehicles or loss of property from vehicles parked on the common elements.
Violations Subject to Immediate Towing
Any vehicle shall be subject to immediate removal without notification to the owner of the vehicle: 
  • parked within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant or in a designated fire lane
  • occupying more than one (1) parking space
  • extending beyond the parking lines
  • parked in any way that extends into or upon any grassy area, sidewalk or undesignated space
  • impeding access to mailboxes
  • constituting a safety hazard
  • that has been unmoved for a period of at least thirty (30) days without approval 
  • whose security system has been triggered and allowed to continue unattended for more than fifteen (15) minutes  
  • parking beyond five (5) minute limit in the designated spaces in front of the mail kiosk 

Refer to The Oakton’s Parking Policy for detailed information.

Page updated on May 7, 2018



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