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Q: My front door light/outside stairs landing light/security light is burnt out, what do I do?
A: Report burnt out lights and broken light fixtures to The Oakton's property manager. Please be specific with the location of the light fixture. Light fixtures and bulbs are repaired/replaced on a 2-week cycle. Back door light fixtures are limited common elements and the replacement of these light bulbs are the responsibility of the residents. However contact management if the back door light fixture is broken. It is a violation to remove or replace the front and back door light fixtures. 

Q: Can I attend board meetings?
A: Yes, all board meetings are open to owners. Board meetings follow a structured meeting agenda and are held to allow the board of directors to discuss business affairs and make decisions on the behalf of the association. Sometimes the board convenes into closed executive session and this portion of the meeting is not open to owners. The board meets in executive session to discuss legal matters such as contract negotiations, delinquencies, etc.
Owners may ask questions and/or express their concerns to the board during the community forum portion of the meeting. However, owners are asked not to interrupt during the proceedings of the board meeting after the community forum has been held.  

Q: I want to talk to directly to the board directors but they don't provide their phone numbers and email for the residents. Why?
A: Residents are to contact The Oakton's property manager at Cardinal Management regarding the affairs of the community. Direct all common element maintenance issues directly to the property manager, not board members. Residents who wish to address or ask questions directly to the board may do so during the open forum portion of any board meeting.

Q: How do I join a committee?
A: Contact our property manager at Cardinal Management Group. She will verify that you are an owner in good standing and give your name and contact information to the committee's chair.

Q: Can I attend committee meetings without becoming a committee member?
A: Yes. All committee meetings are open to The Oakton's owners. Many times committee meetings are held either via Zoom or at owners' units--check the bulletin board and/or the website calendar for meeting announcements. If the meeting is at a resident's unit, please RSVP to our property manager so the owner is aware of how many guests (beside committee members) will be attending the meeting.

Q: What should I do if I have water intrusion inside my unit from siding or a roof leak?
A: Water intrusion on an outer wall may be caused by a leak from the siding or outside trim and you should contact The Oakton's property manager. If you have water intrusion on an inner wall, it may be due to a pipe leak belonging to your unit or an adjacent unit and you should contact your plumber. If the leak is from a common (shared) pipe, the association is responsible for the repair and its cost. If you live in a top floor unit and experience a ceiling leak, call The Oakton's property manager. The source of the leak may be from the roof.
Q: What should I do if I have a water leak from a pipe?
A: If you live beneath another unit and you have a ceiling leak, the source of the leak could be from your pipe (clean water or drain pipe) or from a pipe belonging to an adjacent unit. The units' clean water shut off valve is located in the laundry room and in The Barkley model units it is behind the washing machine. Sometimes you may have to wait up to an hour or so for the water to drain from the pipe for the leak to stop. If the water leak stops when your water valve is off, then your pipe is the source of the leak. Owners are responsible for maintaining and repairing pipes that exclusively serve their unit. The association is responsible for common pipes.
If the leak continues and you have turned your water off, ask your neighbors (one by one) to turn their water off inside their unit. Please be aware that the source of the pipe leak can be from any of the 5 units on your side of the building.

Q: What should I do if my neighbor's unit is leaking into my unit?
A: If one unit leaks into another, immediately contact your neighbor(s), Cardinal Management Group and your homeowner's insurance agent. Cardinal Management will assist in coordinating a plumber and other necessary professionals to stop the leak. The Board of Directors reviews between unit leak invoices on a monthly basis and determines appropriate bill backs to unit owners. If your unit is the source of a water leak you may be billed back for those expenses.

Page updated on May. 10, 2024



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