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Policy Resolutions:
(no. 2020-01)
Effective March 2020 and mailed to homeowners, the policy requires the yearly registration of vehicles by May 31 and parking permits must be displayed on the windshield of registered vehicles at all times. Reminders: Residents are required to register their visitors' vehicles parked on the property longer than 72 hours and limited to 8 days per month for guest vehicles. If your permanent address is at The Oakton your vehicle is not "a guest/visitor vehicle". Vehicles may not be stored on the property. If a vehicle appears to be unused, derelict, abandoned or has expired license plates, the association has the authority to tow the vehicle at the owner's expense. Some parking violations are subject to immediate towing, see page 5 for details.
Satellite Dish Policy
(no. 2009-01)
Effective May 1, 2009. Satellite dishes must conform to The Oakton's guidelines and approved prior to installation. Non-compliant dishes are a violation and any damages to the buildings' structures must be repaired at the owners' expense.
Storm Door Guidelines Policy
(no. 2015-01)
Effective March 2015, this policy has been updated to allow for nickel hardware provided that the storm door hardware matches the front entry door hardware. Storm doors are the responsibility of the owners and must conform to The Oakton's guidelines and approved prior to installation. Storm doors that were installed prior to 2009 that are off white are permitted to remain, but must be changed to white if the door is replaced. Storm doors that cause damage to the buildings' light fixtures will be repaired at the owners' expense.
(no. 2015-09)
Effective March 2015 this policy has been updated and mailed to homeowners. Exterior controls apply to the common areas such as the buildings and grounds and limited common areas which include balconies, patios, windows and doors. Interior controls apply to structural changes and changes that may effect the buildings' plumbing system and electrical usage.
(no. 2020-02)
Effective March 2020, this policy has been updated and mailed to homeowners. This policy states rules and restrictions for noise, barbecuing on balconies/patios, bird feeding, drapery styles, trash, units' occupancy, firewood storage, leases, solicitation, and use of the common areas.
Doorbells, Video Doorbells
and Video Camera Policy

(no. 2022-01)
Effective February 3, 2022. This policy states the specifications for doorbells and video doorbells. The policy prohibits video cameras on the common and limited common areas. Doorbells and video doorbells require architectural approval prior to installation.
(no. 2009-05)
Effective May 1, 2009, this policy has been updated. This policy states rules and restrictions for pets including the type of pets and maximum number of pets per unit (two). Pets must not damage, soil or defecate on the common property; cause unsanitary, dangerous or offensive conditions; or be a noise nuisance.
(no. 2015-10)
Effective March 2015 and mailed to homeowners, this policy states the use, rules, and regulations for regarding The Oakton's swimming pool. Reminder: residents must present their pool pass to use the pool.
(no. 2021-02)
This updated policy states the requirements for inspection and cleaning of the fireplace chimneys in units. Inspection conveys to a new unit owner but waivers are null and void upon the sale of the unit. Inspections and cleanings must be done by May 31 of every even numbered year. If you submit a waiver for the exemption, you must also submit a copy of your insurance policy.
(no. 2009-04)
Effective May 1, 2009. This policy states requirements for the cleaning of dryer vents. The cleaning must be done by May 31 of every even numbered year. 
(no. 2015-07)
Effective March 2015 and mailed to homeowners, this policy states guidelines for the inspection of plumbing fixtures inside the units. The new deadline for inspections is May 31 on every odd numbered year. Please note that the plumbing inspection form must be filled out by the plumbing contractor and submitted to management by the May 31 deadline. In 2019 the plumbing inspection form was revised.
(no. 2009-03)
Effective May 1, 2009. This policy states guidelines and procedures for the collection of assessments.
Effective March 2015 and mailed to homeowners, this policy outlines the Association's policy on informing owners of violations of the governing documents.
(no. 2009-06)
Effective May 1, 2009. This policy states guidelines for the condominium master insurance policy deductible amount.
(no. 2012-01)
Effective May 30, 2012. This policy states guidelines for installing bathroom ventilation (that vents outside the building). 
(no. 2012-05)
Effective September 28, 2012. This policy states guidelines for displaying the U.S. flag and supersedes any other pre-existing policy for displaying the U.S. flag.
Snow Policy
(no. 2016-01)
Effective December 1, 2016, this policy details snow clearing priorities and procedures. It also includes the establishment of designated parking spaces marked for snow emergency purposes.
(no. 2012-03)
Effective September 28, 2012. This administrative policy states guidelines for the Association's records and the membership's access to its records.
(no. 12-04)
Effective September 28, 2012. This policy resolution is required under Virginia Law and states procedures in handling member's complaints.
(no. 2010-03)
Effective September 23, 2010. This policy states guidelines for this committee.
(no. 2010-04)
Effective September 23, 2010. This policy states guidelines for this committee.
(no. 2010-05)
Effective September 23, 2010. This policy states guidelines for this committee.
(no. 2010-06)
Effective September 23, 2010. This policy states guidelines for this committee.
Social Committee Charter    (no. 2023-01)
This policy states guidelines for this committee.
(no. 2015-02)
Effective March 2015 and mailed to homeowners, this policy states guidelines for maintaining The Oakton's website.
Newsletter Guidelines Policy
(no. 2015-04)
Effective March 2015 and mailed to homeowners, this policy states guidelines for developing content for and producing The Oakton's newsletter.
Book of Resolutions Policy
(no. 1)
This policy states the types of resolutions and manner of recording.
(No. 2015-05)
Effective March 2015, this policy is the policy to adopt new and revise policies.

Updated on April 16, 2024



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