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Architectural Controls Hardwood Floors Pool
Assessments Heating & Air Conditioning Property Management
Balconies and Patios Home Safety Renting Your Unit
Board Meetings Hose Bibs Satellite Dishes
Chimney Inspections Insurance Security
Common Elements Landscaping Selling Your Unit
Community Concerns Light Fixtures & Bulbs Signs
Doors (front/back/sliding) Limited Common Elements Snow Removal
Dryer Vents Noise Disturbances Storm Doors
Emergency Access to Units Parking Towing
Fire Pest Control Trash Collection & Recycling
Firewood Pets Utilities
Gas & Charcoal Grills Plumbing Windows & Screens

Architectural Controls
Exterior controls apply to the common areas such as the buildings and grounds and limited common areas—this includes balconies, patios, windows, and doors. The interior controls apply to structural changes (to ensure load bearing walls are not removed) and changes that may effect the buildings plumbing system and electrical usage. Owners wishing to make any changes requiring approval must submit an architectural modification request application to Cardinal Management (attn: Lisa Stocksdale) who will forward the application to the Buildings and Architectural Review Committee. Refer to the Declaration and Policy Resolution No. 2015-09 for details regarding The Oakton's architectural controls and guidelines.

The regular monthly assessment fees are due to the association on the first day of the month. A late charge of $25 will be imposed on payments received after the fifth day of the month. Owners may sign up for automatic payment through Cardinal Management. The automatic payment form is available as a downloadable PDF file. Owners are encouraged to sign up for automatic payment of their fees.
Balconies and Patios
Balconies and patios are limited common elements. Owners have the exclusive right to use these areas, but may not make alterations to them or hang fixtures, decorations, screens, or blinds. Balconies and patios may not be used for storage. Appropriate seasonal furniture may be used on the balconies and patios, but shade umbrellas are prohibited. For details, go to Policy Resolution No. 2015-09.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are now held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Board meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change so please check the calendar on the home page the for the latest information or contact The Oakton's property manager. 
The purpose of board meetings is for the board of directors to conduct business on the behalf of the association. Owners are welcome to attend the meetings and may address the board with questions and concerns during the open forum portion of the meeting.

Chimney Inspections
All fireplace chimneys in the condominium must be inspected and cleaned by a professional chimney cleaning company on every even-numbered year by May 31. Unit owners are required to prove compliance with this regulation by forwarding a copy of the chimney contractor's invoice to the property manager by May 31. Owners who never use their fireplaces may sign a waiver to be exempt from cleaning their fireplace (and must send in a copy of their homeowner's insurance). Click here to download a copy of this policy resolution and click here for the waiver for the exemption. Non-compliant owners will be issued a violation notice.
Common Elements
The common elements are jointly owned by all unit owners in the condominium community. This includes the buildings' structures, the land upon which the entire condominium is developed, the parking facilities, sidewalks, and lawns/landscaping. The association maintains the common elements.
Community Concerns
The Oakton is managed by Cardinal Management Group. Please contact The Oakton's property manager for all matters regarding the community. Monica Burdock is now the Oakton's property manager and Lisa Stocksdale who is her assistant (see below for more details). Please do not call/contact board members' at their residences with maintenance issues or other concerns. Should you wish to address the board directly, owners may do so during the owners open forum at any board meeting.

Doors (front/back/sliding)
Entry doors are the responsibility of the owners and must conform to The Oakton's guidelines and approved prior to installation. Owners wishing to install a new door must submit an architectural modification request application to our property manager or her assistant at Cardinal Management.
Owners are responsible for the repair, replacement, and hardware but the association is responsible for the exterior painting of the doors and the unit number plates. If an owner replaces their front door and needs a new unit number plate, they are to contact the property manager for a new one. Door jams/frames are a component of the door and the repair and maintenance is also the responsibility of the owner. Owners are responsible for the door knockers and replacements are to match as closely as possible the pre-existing door knocker style.

Dryer Vents
Cleaning and maintaining the units' dryer vent are the responsibility of the unit owners, click here to download a copy of the policy resolution. All dryer vents in the condominium units must be inspected and cleaned by a professional contractor on every even-numbered year by May 31. Unit owners are required to prove compliance with this regulation by forwarding a copy of the contractor's invoice to the property manager by the May 31 deadline. Non-compliant owners will be issued a violation notice.
Many fireplace chimney contractors also clean dryer vents.

Emergency Access to Units
Because of the nature of condominium ownership, an easement has been created (Article 4, Section 4.6 of the Declaration) to all the association (or its assignee or agents) to enter any unit for the purpose of making repairs or maintenance for the benefit of the condominium. A resident roster is maintained by management and will be used to notify you, if possible, when an emergency exists in your unit. In all non-emergency cases, the association will give prior notice, by telephone or in writing, of the need to enter the unit and will make arrangements with the owner or resident to gain access.

In the event of a fire occurring anywhere on the common elements or in a unit, immediately call the Fire Department at 911. The managing agent should be notified as soon as reasonably possible.

Residents may store up to one-half cord on their balconies or patios. Firewood may only be stored from October 1 to March 31 and must be stacked away from the building. Be sure the firewood you order is well seasoned hardwood, such as oak, maple or poplar. Burning green (unseasoned) wood or soft wood such as pine will eventually contribute to a creosote deposit in your chimney. Creosote deposits are a major cause of chimney fires.

Gas and Charcoal Grills
Prohibited Use. In accordance with Section 308.3.1 of Fairfax County's Fire Prevention, no charcoal cooker, brazier, hibachi or grill or any gasoline or other flammable liquid or liquefied petroleum gas-fired stove or similar device shall be ignited or used on the balconies or within 15 feet of any apartment building or other structures with similar occupancy including hotels and dormitories. This includes all multi-story residential buildings not classified as a townhouse.

Prohibited Storage Locations. In accordance with Section 308.3.1.2 of Fairfax County's Fire Prevention Code, the storage of cooking devices using flammable or combustible liquids or liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel source shall be prohibited inside of, on any balcony of, or within 15 feet of, any apartment building or other structure with similar occupancy. Furthermore, other cooking devices prohibited by Section 308.3.1 such as charcoal cookers, braziers, and hibachi grills shall not be stored or located on balconies or patios of any apartment building or other structures with similar occupancy.

It is in the best interest of all residents of The Oakton to adhere to the fire prevention codes listed above. In the event that these ordinances are violated, residents are urged to directly contact the Fire Department to enforce compliance.

Hardwood Floors
Owners may install hardwood floors, however 75% of exposed flooring surfaces must be covered by rugs in the main living areas. See policy resolution 2015-09, Design Review Procedures and Guidelines for more information. For owners installing hardwood floors in the upper units, please be considerate to the units below and use rugs in the main living areas.

Heating and Air Conditioning
All owners are responsible for their own respective gas furnace and air conditioning units. Owners are encouraged to have their heating and air conditioning systems serviced every year. It is important that this service include cleaning of the condensate drain lines. If you have a condensate drain problem, call a plumber or a HVAC contractor. It is important for residents to check their utility closets on a regular basis to insure that their utility closet does not have moisture, mold, or water leaks.

Home Safety
For your safety it is important to ensure that your natural gas appliances (water heater, range, and furnace) are in proper working order. A malfunctioning gas furnace can emit harmful carbon dioxide fumes, therefore it is recommended that residents have their gas furnace inspected yearly and install a carbon dioxide monitor.

If you smell natural gas or have a natural gas emergency, leave your unit immediately, alert your neighbors in your building, and call 911 or Washington Gas emergency leak line at 703-750-1400 or 1-800-752-7250.

Residents are urged not to leave their dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, and ovens left on when they are not at home. Appliances with heating elements (e.g., dishwashers, clothes dryers, and ovens) are potential fire hazards. Dishwashers and washing machines can leak due to a hose break or other defect.

Hose Bibs
The buildings' hose bibs are a common element, but the hose bib shut-off valves are located inside units' utility closets. Please note that the hose bibs are frost-free. Unit owners who have hose bibs are asked to turn them on from spring through fall. The association does not provide water hoses for the exterior faucets.

The association maintains a master insurance policy that includes casualty, liability, and fidelity coverage. The association policy does not include coverage for betterments, household contents, nor personal property for individual unit owners or individual owners personal liability. Owners are responsible for maintaining their own personal property and liability insurance policy. For more information, go to the Insurance page.

Landscaping and Grounds
The landscaping and grounds are common elements and maintained by the association. The Oakton's landscaping contractor is Shenandoah Landscape Services. Carlos General Maintenance Service, Inc. picks up litter on the grounds on a two-week cycle.

Light Fixtures & Light Bulb Replacements
All exterior light fixtures are common elements. The association replaces the light bulbs for the front doors, stairs, and security lights but owners are responsible for replacing the back door light bulbs. Please email our property manager to report burned out light bulbs and broken fixtures. The cycle for maintenance and light bulb replacement is every two weeks. Because the light fixtures are common elements, residents are not allowed to replace or change them. If a light fixture is damaged, report it to management.

Limited Common Elements
Limited common areas are common areas in which the units have the exclusive right to use. These areas include balconies and patios. Owners may not alter limited common areas.

Noise Disturbances
Residents must exercise due consideration at all hours in the operation of radios, televisions, musical instruments, or any other items to ensure that the sounds will not disturb others. Please do not allow pets (particularly dogs) to consistently bark and cry and do not allow pets and children to run and jump, especially in the upper units. Residents who are moving in or out of the community must do so between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residents should avoid doing the following after 10 p.m.: slamming doors, major housecleaning, vacuuming, or washing clothes. No sawing, hammering or other construction activities are permitted except between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends and holidays. See policy resolution 2020-02, Use of Units and Common Elements for more information.

Please be considerate of those living above, adjacent, or underneath of you. Every resident is encouraged to be thoughtful and towards his/her neighbors, and to communicate with one another to avoid confrontations. When noise disturbances become a consistent or aggravating problem, contact The Oakton's property manager. If consistent efforts to resolve such issues fail, consult the Fairfax County Police Department.

Residents and their guests are entitled to use the common element parking spaces for approved vehicles. Parking is limited up to two vehicles per unit. Use is on a first-come, first-served basis. An approved vehicle includes any conventional passenger vehicle, motorcycle, van, and truck of less than 2.5 tons gross weight and 18 feet long.
Residents' vehicles must be registered with The Oakton's property management firm, display a current parking registration decal or hang tag on the windshield in plain sight, display current state license and inspection registration, and be kept in operating condition at all times. Residents must renew their parking registration each year by May 31. Please note that The Oakton's decals and hang tags are not transferrable and expire on June 30 each year. 
Storage of unused vehicles is prohibited. Vehicles may not park longer than 5 minutes in the 2 spaces designated for mail pickup (the spaces are marked on the yellow curbs in front of the mail kiosk).
Residents are urged to report vehicles in violation to management. If you plan to be on travel or leave with your vehicle parked for more than 4 weeks, please contact The Oakton's property manager so she is aware of your circumstances.
The board and management shall make a reasonable attempt to give notice to the owners of offending vehicles. If such vehicle is not corrected or removed, the board may have the offending vehicle towed at the expense and risk of the owner. The association contracts with Henry's Wrecker Service of Virginia (703-280-5336 or
Visitor Parking: residents living at The Oakton may not consider any of their vehicles as a "visitor's vehicle". Visitors are allowed to park up to 72 consecutive hours and the maximum amount of days is 8 per month. Visitors' vehicles parked 72-192 consecutive hours must be registered as a visitor with management. Residents are expected to insure that their guests are aware of the parking rules.

If additional parking is needed to accommodate extra vehicles and visitors for a unit, parking is available on Bushman Drive. Oversize vehicles such as moving trucks/vans/trailers may not block parking spaces, impede traffic, or be parked overnight in the community. Park over-sized vehicles on Bushman Dr.
Refer to The Oakton's Parking Policy Resolution for more detailed information.

Pest Control
The Oakton has a contract with PMSI, Inc. for insect spraying and eradication. Residents are to call PMSI directly to make an appointment (703-723-2899). Routine treatment is included in your condominium fee.
The Oakton has a termite warranty for the buildings with PMSI.

Owners needing a termite inspection in order to sell or refinance their units may contact PMSI, however owners are responsible for this expense.

Residents must abide by the rules and regulations established for keeping pets. The number of pets kept in any unit shall not exceed two (other than those normally housed in a terrarium, cage, or aquarium).

Fairfax County laws require pets to be kept on a leash while walking and their excrement must be cleaned up by their owners. When walking your pet, you are asked to direct them to the pet walking areas. The pet walking areas are located along the outer perimeter of the grounds away from the buildings and lawn areas (which includes the grass, shrubs, flower beds, ground coverings, and trees). Owners must clean up after their pets even in the pet walk areas. Do not leave bags of pet excrement on the grounds after trash collection has taken place.

Due to numerous complaints, the board of directors has no alternative but to impose a $50.00 fine per violation on unit owners who refuse to comply with the Condominiums Rules and Regulations and the Fairfax County Leash, License, Scoop Code (Section 4-11). Non-compliance of this County Code is a Class 4 Misdemeanor that carries a maximum $250.00 fine. Refer to The Oakton's Pet Policy Resolution for the association's rules and regulations regarding pets.

Pipes traveling from the main shut-off valve inside the unit serving the rest of the unit are the owners' responsibility. If you experience a leak caused by a pipe, water heater, or another appliance, your first course of action is to call your plumber or contractor. 

Owners are urged to take preventive measures to avoid leaks. Replace old water heaters, washing machine hoses, the toilet's wax seal and flange, bath tile grout, the bath tub drain gasket, faulty polybutylene pipes, etc. If you are away from your unit for more that 24 hours, management recommends the unit's water be turned off. The shutoff valve for all units' water supply is located in the laundry room (in The Barkley model the unit water shutoff valve is located low on the wall behind the washing machine).
A policy resolution has been adopted that requires owner's to have their plumbing fixtures inspected by May 31 on every odd-numbered year. For detailed information, refer the plumbing inspection policy resolution. Owners that are non-compliant will be issued a violation notice.

Dripping faucets and running toilets waste water and cause condo fees to increase. If your faucet drips or your toilet "cycles" or runs, please make necessary repairs or contact a plumber.

The Oakton's pool is for the use and enjoyment of its owners, tenants and their guests. All persons using the pool do so at their own risk. Children 14 years old and under must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. The pool season opens on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and closes on Sunday of Labor Day weekend. For admittance to the pool, pool passes are required. For information regarding obtaining pool passes and general information about the pool go to the Pool web page.

Property Management
The Oakton is managed by Cardinal Management Group, Inc. Contact them for issues related to The Oakton including assessment payments, architectural review requests, rules violations, maintenance for the common and limited common elements, landscaping, and questions you may have regarding the community.

Monica Burdock is The Oakton's property manager. She can be reached by e-mail at and by phone at 703-565-5303 (direct line).
Lisa Stocksdale ( assists Monica for The Oakton (send her your parking registration form, architectural modification forms, etc.).

Sophia Long ( or 703-565-5259) is The Oakton's accounts receivable representative.

Should you contact Cardinal Management, it is very important to identify yourself, your unit and building numbers, and whether you are an owner or tenant.

Renting Your Unit
All unit owners must comply with The Oakton's rules when renting out their unit. As residents of The Oakton, tenants must abide by the association's policies and rules. Unit owners are responsible for the actions of their tenants, whether such actions cause damage to the common elements or the unit, or involve a violation of the Declaration, Bylaws, Policies, or rules and regulations of the association. If a tenant incurs a debt to the association, they will be billed. If the debt is not paid by the tenant, it becomes the obligation of the unit owner in the form of an assessment against the unit for maintenance or damage. Landlords are also responsible for coordinating pool passes and parking decals for their tenants (refer to the Pool and Parking Resolution pages for more information).

Satellite Dishes
The association enacted Satellite Dish Policy Resolution No. 2009-01, effective as of May 1, 2009, adopting restrictions governing the installation, maintenance and use of satellite dishes. Satellite dishes must conform to The Oakton's guidelines. Noncompliant satellite dishes will be removed by management at the residents' expense.

If you observe any suspicious or criminal activity Immediately call the Police Department at 911. Cardinal Management does not provide a security protection service to the community, however you may email The Oakton's property manager of incidents.

Selling Your Unit
All condominium owners are required by state law to furnish the prospective purchaser of the unit pertinent information about the condominium. As part of their services, Cardinal Management Group will prepare your resale package and there is a fee for this service. For more information, go to the Resale Package Request web page.

Posting signs in windows and on the common grounds is prohibited (Declaration Article 10.4 Business Activities and Signs). Real estate signs may be posted only on the weekends at The Oakton's entrance or outside any building.

Snow Removal
The association provides for snow removal service when the snow depth is at two (2) inches and above. The contractor will remove snow from the road, sidewalks and walkways as soon as possible. Snow will not be removed from parking spaces. Unit owners are responsible for removing snow away from their cars and from their balcony/patio area. Shenandoah Landscaping Services is The Oakton's snow removal contractor. For more information, refer to The Oakton's Snow Policy.

Storm Doors
Storm doors are the responsibility of the owners and must conform to The Oakton's guidelines and approved prior to installation. Owners wishing to install a storm door must submit an architectural modification request application to our property manager or her assistant at Cardinal Management who will forward the application to the Buildings and Architectural Review Committee. Storm doors that cause damage to the buildings' light fixtures will be repaired at the owners' expense. Non-compliant, damaged or malfunctioning storm doors are required to be replaced at the owners' expense. For detailed information, refer the Policy Resolution for Storm Doors.

Vehicles on the property will be towed at the residents' expense if the vehicle is in violation of the parking rules (see the parking rules policy for details). Immediate towing can result if a vehicle is parked longer than 5 minute in the parking spaces designated for mail pickup (marked on the yellow curb in front of the mail kiosk), in fire lanes, blocking the road, or parked straddling 2 parking spaces (see page 5 of the parking rules for more details). The association contracts with Henry's Wrecker Service of Virginia (703-280-5336, If your vehicle is towed, contact Henry's Wrecker Service of Virginia or The Oakton's property manager at Cardinal Management.

Trash Collection & Recycling
Trash is collected 3 days a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Put trash out between 5-8 a.m. on collection days only, including holidays (except for July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day) or unless otherwise posted. Trash should be placed at the curb in plain sight--away from shrubs and cars--in sealed heavy-duty plastic bags. The yellow painted curbs are the preferred location to place your trash for pickup.

If the collection for the day has already taken place, you must bring your trash back inside your unit until the next collection day. Trash left outside can result in a $50 assessment for this violation. Trash and recycling is not collected on July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's Day. Do not put your trash out on these holidays.

To dispose of large items such as furniture and appliances, an appointment must be arranged with the service provider.

Place recyclables curbside between 5-8 a.m. on Wednesdays. Do not put your recycled items out on Mondays and Fridays. Acceptable recycled items include: newspapers, magazines, catalogs, phone books, paperboard boxes, flatten cardboard, mixed paper, junk mail, plastic bottles and jugs, soda bottles and cans, non-prescription pill bottles, and metal cans. The items do not need to be separated or sorted. Do not leave recycling bins on the grounds after pickup. Do not store bins under the outside stairs and/or on patios/balconies.
Please note that Fairfax County no longer accepts any type of glass or glass containers from curbside pick-up. You may throw your glass containers into Fairfax County's purple recycle containers located throughout the County. The closest one to The Oakton is located at Providence Community Center on Vaden Dr., Fairfax.
For more information, please visit the Trash & Recycling page.

The meters for the utilities are located on the back side of the buildings. Exceptions include buildings 6, 15, and 19--for these buildings the utilities are located in the small shed on the front side of the building.

Each unit is individually metered for electricity and gas. It is the responsibility of the owner to make arrangements for turning on, disconnecting or transferring the billing of these utilities. The electricity for common elements lighting and pool operation is paid for through the condominium fees.

The main cable connection for each building is located with the other utility meters and is in a locked box located on the ground. Only the cable technicians have access to the outside cable box. If a unit experiences problems with its utilities, the resident is to call the utility company for service, not the property manager.

The units are not individually metered for water and sewer consumption. Water and sewer charges for the units and the common elements will be paid through your condominium assessments.

Each unit is pre-wired for telephone and cable, the cable provider is Cox Communications. Because the buildings are pre-wired for telephone and cable, wires for these (and other) utilities are not permitted to be attached to the outside of the buildings nor can holes be drilled into the siding to allow outside wiring to come into units. It is the owners' responsibility to ensure that all utility contractors servicing their unit adhere to this requirement. It is the owners' responsibility to repair and replace any damage to the building structure due to non-compliant wiring on the behalf of a contractor servicing their unit.

Windows & Screens
Unit owners are responsible for the cleaning, repair, and replacement of all windows and screens in their unit. Owners wishing to replace their windows must submit an architectural modification request application to our property manager or assistant at Cardinal Management who will forward the application to the Buildings and Architectural Review Committee. The style of new windows must match the current style (e.g., the same window grid, half screens, etc.). Non-compliant windows and screens must be replaced at the owners expense.

Window blinds and draperies/drapery linings must be white, off-white or cream color.

Page updated on May 22, 2024



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