The Oakton The Oakton
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The Oakton's website was developed to serve as an informative resource for its owners and tenants. The pages listed under the Welcome and Resources sections are open to the general public and do not need a login.
To access pages listed under the Owners section and surveys posted online, you must be a current owner of record and request a login account to register. Click on Register in the upper left side of the page to sign up. The website administrator will verify your owner account information and send your login information to your email address. Because this is a manual process, your login information will not be sent to you instantly. If you are a new owner, this process will take longer because Cardinal Management needs to enter new owners into their database after they receive the resale paperwork. Registering for this section is voluntary. 
Please note, the login registration is restricted to one per unit. For joint ownership, owners are to share the same login.
Your login name is your full email address (including @ and your provider's name and domain).
If you forget your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the Login page.
If you experience technical problems or have questions concerning the website, contact the website's administrator by using the pull down menu on the Contact Us page. Do not contact Cardinal Management, they do not maintain the website. 
If you have questions about the community, contact The Oakton's property manager (Monica Burdock) using Contact Us. Please note, the website administrator will not respond topics regarding community concerns or questions.
~ Neighborhood News ~
What is CINC Systems?
Cardinal Management Group uses CINC Systems, LLC to manage homeowner association accounts. It is an all-in-one association software management system designed to provide for faster financial reporting, easier workflow management, and a better homeowner experience. Owners who register with Cardinal’s CINC website have access to their account activity—including monthly assessment payments, other charges and current balances, and may submit work orders for maintenance needed the common elements and grounds. Registered users of CINC will also receive eBlast messages from Cardinal Management.
Please be advised that the Cardinal CINC platform is separate from The Oakton’s website and requires a separate registration to log-in. The Oakton’s website is a vehicle for providing owners and tenants general information about The Oakton and it is maintained by the board for the association.   
To register with CINC, go to:
To learn more about CINC, go to:

The Oakton's Snow Procedures
The Oakton is responsible for clearing snow from the drive lanes, sidewalks, and stairways and Shenandoah Landscaping is the contractor.
Do not park in the emergency snow parking spaces during a snow storm. The spaces marked with snow emergency signs are used for the snow plow. 
In the event of snow, The Oakton's snow contractor will begin plowing once 2 inches of snow has accumulated and as often as feasible thereafter in order to make the street passable for emergency vehicles.
Please keep in mind that if highways and main roads are not passable, the plows cannot make it to the community in a timely fashion and may be delayed.
If at all possible, don’t travel on the streets until the snowfall is complete and the plows have passed through the community. Driving on unplowed roads compacts the snow, making it more difficult for sufficient plowing services to be effective which may result in the need for additional equipment.
Salting of the streets will not take place during a significant storm until after the snowfall is complete.
The order of priority for snow removal operations:
1.  Oakton Terrace Rd.
2.  Sidewalks
3.  Stairways
4.  Mail kiosk
Buckets of ice melt are located near the building front doors with a scoop for your convenience. Please feel free to use it when needed and contact Crystal Williams at if the bucket is empty.

Trash Service During Inclement Weather
Trash Away will suspend service if they deem the roads are unsafe for their workers. Therefore before you put your trash out during inclement weather, please go to for service alerts. 

Please Adhere to the Trash Rules
  • Trash pick-up is only on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
  • Recycling pick-up is ONLY on Wednesday
  • Place trash at the curb in sealed heavy-duty plastic bags by 8 a.m. on trash collection days only.
  • Do not put trash out the day before or after the trash collection has taken place. If you missed the trash pick-up, you must bring your trash back into your unit and wait until the next trash service day.
  • Put your trash on the curb in plain sight, not behind cars. The yellow painted curbs are the preferred location to put your trash.
  • Do not store your trash and recycling outside on your patio/balcony or by your front door.
  • Trash left outside on non-pickup times and days is a violation
The Oakton is a lovely place to live—please keep it that way by adhering to the trash rules and not littering!

Recycling is Every Wednesday
Fairfax Co. no longer accepts glass containers in curbside recycling bins. You now have 2 options for glass disposal:
  1. Deliver used glass containers to purple, glass-only recycling containers, the closest one to The Oakton is at the Providence Community Center on Vaden Drive.
  2. Place used glass in the trash.
As a reminder...
Do not put out your recyclable items until the pick up day and only on Wednesday. It is a violation to put recycled items out on Mondays & Fridays.
Fairfax County is strictly enforcing recycling with our trash contractor. For instance, the County is mandating that all cardboard go with recycling and will levy a fine to our trash contractor if cardboard is mixed with the regular trash. Subsequently your recyclable items may not be picked up on Mondays and Fridays.

Please adhere to the trash schedule and only put your recyclables out on Wednesdays! Trash left on the grounds is an eyesore and can diminish everyone's property values.

Information from EYA Regarding the Redevelopment of the AT&T Office Site on Chain Bridge Rd., Oakton
EYA is the developer for the AT&T site in Oakton. 
For information, go to:

~ Upcoming Events ~
Board of Directors' Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:30 p.m. at via Zoom Videoconference
Owners are welcome to attend. Go to the Meeting & Minutes page for the meeting log-in.
The reoccurring meeting is on the 3rd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise stated. _______________________________________
Board of Directors' Meeting
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
Owners are welcome to attend. Go to the Meeting & Minutes page for the meeting log-in.
The reoccurring meeting is on the 3rd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise stated. _______________________________________
Board of Directors' Meeting
Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
Owners are welcome to attend. Go to the Meeting & Minutes page for the meeting log-in.
The reoccurring meeting is on the 3rd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise stated. _______________________________________
Board of Directors' Meeting
Tuesday, June 17, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
Owners are welcome to attend. Go to the Meeting & Minutes page for the meeting log-in.
The reoccurring meeting is on the 3rd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise stated. _______________________________________

~ FYI ~
Residents' Vehicles Must Display Current Parking Decals or Hang Tags on the Windshield at All Times
Residents' vehicles are required to register and display either a cling decal or hang tag issued by Management.
Parking renewal forms are due by May 31 each year.
Visitors are limited to park up to 8 days per month. Any visitor parked longer than 72 hours (up to 192 hours) must be a registered visitor and display a visitor pass issued by Management. If you live at The Oakton your vehicle cannot qualify as a "visitor's vehicle". Visitors must comply with the parking policy and their vehicle is subject to towing when non-compliant. Residents may only park 2 registered vehicles. For more information see The Oakton's parking policy, it's listed on the website.


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