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The pool season for 2024 is from Saturday, May 25 through Monday, September 2.
The pool is managed by Continental Pools, Inc. The pool hours* for the season are:
From May 25 through June 14
The pool will only be open on weekends and holidaysHours of operation: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
From June 15 through Sept. 2
Hours of operation:
Mon. - Thurs.:   Noon -  8 p.m.
Fri.:   Noon - 9 p.m.
Sat. & Holidays:   10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sun.:   10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
*On the day before holidays the closing time is 9 p.m.

Pool pass applications will be processed online only in an effort to reduce costs and increase turnaround times. ALL members and residents who wish to obtain pool passes must register online and all previous pool passes are null and void. Pool passes will be provided in both an electronic format you can use from your smartphone and a printed pass that will be mailed to you.
Guest passes will no longer be needed; however, you will still need to alert the lifeguard and sign-in your guests. The limit on guests is two per unit, NOT two per person. Guests must be accompanied by a resident with a pool pass.
How do I receive my pool passes? 
Apply online for free at: or scan the QR code provided in the pool memo sent to owners. 
Mail a paper application.
There is a $10.00 application fee to mail a paper application. Click here to download the paper application.

Please Note:
  • Admittance to the pool requires that all residents present a current pool pass and to sign-in with the lifeguard. To obtain a pool pass, owners must fill out the pool pass application (see above).
  • Landlords are responsible for acquiring pool passes for their tenants. For more information contact The Oakton's property manager. 
  • Guests must be accompanied and signed in by residents with a pool pass.
  • Residents are required to read and know the rules and regulations governing the pool (refer to Policy Resolution No. 2015-10 below). These rules and regulations should be reviewed with all children residing in your home.
  • The entire pool area is non-smoking. The entrance area of the pool is also non-smoking. Pool patrons who smoke are to use the common area outside the pool near the pool's emergency gate (a bench has been placed near the sidewalk). As a courtesy to the residents of building 24, pool patrons are asked not to smoke in front of this building.
Knowledge and compliance of the pool rules will make this an enjoyable summer for all involved.

Swimming Pool Rules

1.   Disclosures
All persons using the pool agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations for use of the facility. Use of the pool is at the user’s risk. The Association assumes no liability for injury or damage to person or property arising from use of the pool facilities, except for gross negligence or intentional wrong doing on the part of the Association. Except for intentional actions and gross negligence, persons using the pool agree not to hold the Association liable for any actions or whatever nature occurring within the pool area.
2.   Pool Management
The Board of Directors contracts an independent professional pool management company to manage the pool and related facilities. Through its on-site personnel, including a Pool Manager and lifeguard, it is the pool management’s responsibility to provide courteous, reasonable and timely management of the pool facilities, consistent with these rules and procedures and with the applicable laws.  The Pool Manager and lifeguard are empowered by the Board of Directors to interpret and enforce these rules and procedures to ensure the safety and enjoyment of the facilities by all the members.
3.   Pool Season
The pool will open the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and will close on Labor Day each season, unless otherwise determined and announced by the Board of Directors. The pool operating days and hours will be determined by the Board of Directors and announced annually each year to the Unit Owners.
4.   Temporary Closure
In addition to Fairfax County and State of Virginia Health Code Standards, the pool will be closed for the following reasons:
a. Operational and mechanical difficulties affecting pool water quality.
b. During severe weather conditions (heavy rain, lighting, and thunder) and warnings, especially when visibility to the pool bottom is compromised (pool deck will be closed).
c. For thirty (30) minutes following the last occurrence of thunder or lighting (pool deck also will be closed).
d. For a period of time following any mishap that results in feces or vomit in the pool water.
 Notification will be posted at the pool entrance in advance or as soon as the information becomes available.
5.   Swimming Pool Registration and Admittance
For the purpose of the pool facility usage, there are two categories of registrants:
  • Homeowner - A homeowner and his/her immediate family residing at The Oakton whose account is in good standing.
  • Resident/Tenant - Individual(s) renting/leasing a unit in The Oakton from a homeowner who is in good standing. These individuals are eligible to register to use the pool facilities only if the homeowner has valid privileges and provides written approval for registration.
5. 1   Access for Authorized Pool Members
Only registered The Oakton homeowners, resident/tenants and their authorized guests may use the pool facilities. Each such member over the age of fourteen (14) will be required to present his or her valid, individual pool pass to the lifeguard/pool manager and sign-in upon entering the pool facility. The pass will be returned to the member when departing the pool facility.
5.2   Pool Passes
Pool passes (or annual stickers renewing existing passes) are issued to all eligible residents/tenants over the age of fourteen (14) upon completion of the Pool Pass Registration form ( Pool registration will be handled exclusively by the Management Agent. Any questions concerning registration should be directed to management. Replacement passes are $5.00 per pass requested. Funds must be received prior to issuing of passes. Pool passes will not be issued to any resident whose account is sixty (60) days past due. Pool passes are the property of The Oakton, A Condominium and can be revoked or suspended by the Board of Directors with proper notice.
5.3   Guest Passes
Each household that applies for pool passes will receive one free guest pass. Additional guest passes are not available. Each guest pass permits entry of no more than two (2) guests at a time per household unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors. Guests must be accompanied by a valid pass holder (resident) at all times.
6.   Pool Rules & Regulations
a. All persons shall obey the instructions of the lifeguards. All residents are responsible for the actions of their children and guests.
b. Children under 14 years of age must be supervised by a parent of guardian in the pool area at all times. Independent swimming and recreation is subject to the lifeguard’s discretion.
c. Children 4 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult within arm’s length when on the pool deck or in the pool.
d. All swimmers must take a cleansing shower before entering the pool.
e. Proper swimwear is required. Only appropriate footwear is permitted on the pool deck.
f. Children not toilet trained and those who are incontinent must wear swim diapers while in the pool.
g. Persons having colds, coughs, inflamed eyes, infections, diarrhea, open sores or wearing bandages shall not use the pool.
h. No diving.
i. No running, pushing, dunking, excessive splashing, standing or sitting on another’s shoulders or rough play is permitted. Toys may be permitted at the discretion of the lifeguard based on the size and character of the crowd. No play equipment or carts except for strollers and wheel chairs are permitted on the pool deck.
j. A 15-minute break for the lifeguard will be held every hour. Pool use during break time is not permitted.
k. Pets are not allowed in the pool area (except seeing-eye dogs).
l. Alcohol is not allowed in the pool area. Intoxicated persons are not permitted in the pool area at any time.
m. No glass containers or breakable objects are allowed. Food is only allowed in designated eating areas.
n. Smoking is not allowed on the pool deck or within the fenced area; residents and guests may smoke in the designated area in front of the pool house.
o. Audio equipment must be used with a personal headphone.
p. Do not drink the pool water. Spitting is prohibited.
7.   Children’s Swimming Test and Non-Swimmers
Non-swimmer children are defined as those unable to pass the swim test. The minimum requirements of the swim test include swimming a length of the pool and the ability to tread water for 45 seconds. While in the pool at any water depth, non-swimmers must be with a supervising adult. An adult swimmer must be within arm’s reach of non-swimmer children in the water at all times. It is recommended that non-swimmer children be supervised with a 1:1 ratio of adults to children. If the non-swimmer child is not within arm’s reach a supervising adult, the lifeguard may instruct the adult to maintain the proper distance. Failure to comply with the lifeguard instruction will result in the adult and child being asked to leave the water until the lifeguard is confident that compliance will be maintained. Repeated denial of the lifeguard's requests will be reported to the Board of Directors.
Teenagers and adults who are not proficient swimmers are restricted to the areas of the pool where the water depth is shoulder level or less when flat-footed. Such persons may be asked to pass a swim test if they attempt to swim in deep water and demonstrate questionable swimming skills. 
8.   Swimming Aids
Water wings, inner tubes, life vests, floats up to 75”x30”, and other devices may be utilized. The use of swimming aids does not, however, substitute for supervision of non-swimmers. The pool manager or lifeguards may temporarily suspend the right to use of any of these items if he/she feels the pool is overcrowded. Large floats/rafts are not permitted at any time.
9.   Refusal of Admittance
The maximum pool capacity is 71 people. If the pool manager deems the capacity limit has been reached, he/she shall restrict entrance by members or guests accordingly. 
The pool manager and lifeguards shall have the authority to temporarily refuse entry to members or guests if the capacity of the pool has been reached. It is not necessary for the pool manager or lifeguards to have an actual head count; it is acceptable that their experience and opinion be the basis for determining that an overcrowding condition exists. In the event the pool reaches the maximum capacity, the pool manager or lifeguards will post a sign at the entrance to the pool house indicating the temporary conditions.
9.1   Pool Management Discretion
In the interest of safe pool operation, the pool manager and lifeguards shall have the authority to refuse entry to members or guests if sufficient cause exists, at the discretion of the pool manager and lifeguards. Any potential situation that could adversely affect the safety or health of the members, any pool property, or general use of the facility is grounds for the pool manager and lifeguards to refuse admittance to a member or guest. The pool manager is required to immediately write an incident report for any such exclusion or expulsion and notify the Management Agent and the Board of Directors.

Page updated on April 4, 2024



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